
blog post
C-Suite Cybersecurity Executives on GenAI

Cybersecurity C-Suite executives share their perspectives on how to secure data in a world increasingly dominated by generative AI. Learn from a CEO, CISO, CIO, and CTO.

Data Protection DSPM GenAI

blog post
Reduce Risks and Deliver Value with GenAI

Cybersecurity C-Suite experts to delve into the transformative potential and risks of generative AI in the realm of data security.

Data Protection DSPM GenAI

blog post
Expert Tips for Improving Your Organization’s Data Security Posture

Strengthen your data security posture with expert tips from CISO Stories and CyberRisk Alliance. Discover key strategies now!


blog post
NIST CSF 2.0 & DSPM Risk Reduction: Part 2

Read the second in the series around the CSF 2.0 policy map as part of DSPM risk reduction.

Data Protection DSPM

blog post
NIST CSF 2.0 & DSPM Risk Reduction: Part 1

NIST expands CSF audience, making it a go-to guide for all ICT-driven organizations, essentially every digital business.

Data Protection DSPM

blog post
Three Factors for DSPM Success

Data Security Posture Management (DSPM), if implemented correctly, relies on at least three key factors: discovery, remediation, and classification.

Data Security DSPM

blog post
Varonis Alternative: Lepide Data Security Platform

Looking for a Varonis alternative? Lepide Data Security Platform might just be the solution that you’re looking for. Here’s why…

Compliance & Regulations Data Security

blog post
Who is Responsible for Data Security & Compliance

Data security & compliance doesn’t fall on one person. It is the responsibility of all, but security officials in your organization must provide planning. See how!

Data Security