Tech Talk: Spirion + Microsoft Purview Information Protection 9/17, 11:00 AM PDT Register Here



Microsoft Purview

Information Protection (MPIP)

Microsoft Purview Information Protection (MPIP), a cloud-based solution, enables organizations to classify and protect documents and emails by applying labels. It supports both manual and automatic labeling to help you both classify and (optionally) protect your documents.  

When integrated with Spirion, you benefit from both MPIP’s labeling methodology and Spirion’s additional data sources, endpoint discovery, and more customizable persistent data classification methodology to invoke MPIP Rights Management. 

Spirion Products:
Sensitive Data Manager and Sensitive Data Platform 

Other Products:
Microsoft Purview Information Protection and the MIP SDK version 1.13 or later.

Required Skills & Technology:
Access to MPIP via Microsoft E5 license, access to the SDM or SDP console. 

Released: 08/15/2023

For More Information:

Spirion CEO Kevin Coppins