Tech Talk: Spirion + Microsoft Purview Information Protection 9/17, 11:00 AM PDT Register Here


Digital transformation starts with data security and privacy

Digital transformation is significantly impacting business — from data-driven decision-making and cloud adoption to mobility and the Internet-of-Things (IoT) explosion — unleashing innovation to drive business outcomes, while simultaneously opening enterprises up to countless points of attack.

Decision makers are looking to digital transformation to enhance business agility, deliver customer insights, provide operational efficiencies and increase their market share. The payoff is great, but with a change in technology, comes a need to break from the business-as-usual model processes and procedures.

Organizations that are in the transformation process, are struggling to protect their infrastructure and sensitive data adequately. Until new processes and the adoption of new security solutions and protocols can be put into effect, organizations are vulnerable to data security threats.

Since sensitive data is used in these emerging technologies, traditional corporate network perimeters are no longer viable in cloud and mobile environments. In order to transform without leaving themselves vulnerable, organizations must flip-the-script in terms of strategically thinking about security — making data protection the central and critical security initiative to be implemented at the start of transformation and not at the end.

Spirion is positioned to enable organizations to bridge the gap from the traditional to the digital. By incorporating data discovery, classification, and remediation into your  data lifecycle management plan, we provide you with a holistic approach to data protection.

Spirion enables you to apply precise, rapid data discovery and automated classification, giving you a clear view of all your sensitive data and associated activities across all networks and cloud environments. Plus, our data security solution integrates with your existing IT security systems, so you can focus on transforming your organization while Spirion focuses on protecting your most sensitive data.